Saturday, 26 October 2013

The Purpose-plot

                      Kailasam tried to underline something which in original myth was made change in original myth and the reason being behind it. To know about the plot of the play, is very important to understand the play and both the character deeply. Let’s see Arjun and Eklavya’s character. How it’s play the role in the play.
            In the very begging of the play the sun is that in the mid-ground. Arjun is practicing with how. The some itself accent Arjun’s aim of life. He has the aim to become word’s number one archer. He is gentle, too. It can be seen when Arjun's supine’s himself before Bheeshma. Arjuna called his aim as “own longing”. In the very young aim, his aim was personal. When Bheeshma, guide him to love his guru he receive it immediately. So, he goes to Dronachanya to learn himself. He excuses for his mistake.
       Then he understand about drone wanted to keep him understand that why he makes poor betterment. Arjun’s was so conceited that he didn’t that Eklavya also wanted to become the best archer of the world.
             The central character of the play is Eklavya. He is become the best archer of the world. He always speaks whatever he thinks to be true. He had great honor. He really likes the approach of guru Dronacharay but he also appreciates Arjun’s as a novice. It is in play like this.
       He was to interest in archery that he thought that he must not miss a word of drone. This shows his lover for his aim. He was very good share proficiency. He already knows that because of his caste, may be drone will not teach him but he thinks that because of his aim he would have to risk for it. Here, he knows very well that his aim is very noble. He thinks that his aim cannot be noble than Arjuna. He is very hard-working.
       We can see here, he really tries hard to satisfy Dronachanya to teach him. He is just child when he speaks all these. We can see his child like manner of when Arjuna explaining something to patriarch.
       The similarity between both the character is that both want to though the aim is same, the purpose for it is different Arjun’s has the personal purpose and Eklavya purpose is to save the animals. In their childhood, Eklavya tells Arjuna face to face that Arjuna cannot improve it will continue his archery like he is doing at that time. Arjuna couldn’t bear that.   
       This show that the Eklavya is very bitter observed. He follows each and every advice of drone. Ha always keeps mother’s advice in mind. So, when Arjuna tells him about his caste. He never looses his disposition in a small matter. When Arjuna tells him that he doesn’t like him. He says that it his fear. In the play, it is written like this. When Guru tells him that the all required elements for the archer are complete now.
       Arjun’s has rapid nature Eklavya even given his thumb to Drona but at the end repents because it becomes reform in purpose. He did all that in love with Guru.
       It is very important to know the difference between Eklavya and Arjuna. Their purposes were different. Arjun’s purpose was self-centered. He wanted become the greatest archer of the world.
       Eklavya wanted to save other’s likes. In the purpose “Eklavyas’s “imitation has been described well as, a modern person than Mahabharata. Being a son of “Nishdha” he suffers a lot. He belongs to Bhal community. He is son of vyatraj harinyadhany. His father was a soldier in the army of king Magadha. so Eklavya poor  animals from cruel animals and he desire to learn archer . His purpose is not self centered but to help others. Arjuna was a selfish archer. His purpose was to become the greatest archer of world. Kailasam has given more significance to Eklavyas’s character and has given him priority.
       According to kailasam Eklavya is considered an important character than Arjuna because without Eklavya‘s sacrifice of his have been succeed Eklavya‘s character is considered important in ‘the purpose ‘here Arjuna a has been criticized being a selfish person and self centered. But in Mahabharata Arjuna has been given more importance. In the purpose when Eklavya indicate his desire to learn archery from guru Drone, guru Drone becomes affect. Dronacharya also asked Eklavya about his purpose behind learning archery. Eklavya replied that he wants save poor animal. How Dronacharya is absolutely impressed know Eklavyas’s acute case to learn archery. Now Dronacharya has been satisfy by Eklavya Arjun's reminds Dronacharya about his promise Arjun's that he would be great archer of world so now  Guru Drone oppose to Eklavya that he will not teach him archery. Arjuna was a Brahmin a high caste, archer from a royal family. Dronacharya cannot teach a lower cast boy. It was believed in society during that time. Guru Drone has no right to choose his apprentice. Arjun's archery and Dronachanya could not do anything. He had to agree with Arjun’s and it is considered one of the important reasons of unfair with Eklavya. If Guru Drone had been agreed than Eklavya could have achieved archery from Guru Drone.  Here Arjun's should not have raised questions about Eklavya and his promise because he was a student and Guru Drone was his teacher.
       Eklavyas’s character has been pictured estimable by T.P.Kailasam. He has all necessary qualities to learn archery but here power or caste plays vital role. Even though he learns the skill himself sacrifice his thumb. Suffering goes on as being the boy of lower caste. He commence upon an appointment of self study in the presence of a adobe image of Drone. He achieved a level of skill superior to that of Arjuna, drones favorite and most fulfill pupil. After his betrayal of Eklavya that he is form lower caste gets worried and demands that Eklavya turn over his right thumb as Gurudrakshina. The loyal Eklavya maim himself, thereby diminishing his abilities as in archer.Drona was the Brahmin teacher selected by the royal family of Hasthinapura to teach the young kaurava and pandva princes. The soldierly skill that the princes reeded to learn. One these skills includes archery. Dron was an agent of the kingdom of Hasthinapura and was not free to accept students on his will Eklavya was deeply hurt by Drone’s disapproval. So Eklavya made a statue of Drona. Accepted the statue of drone as his guru and practiced in front of the statue every single day. Here we can see Eklavya as inferior and marginalized hero. It raises serious question about caste-system and about its systice. If gives us view that how the marginalized association were treated by the control Aryan people .he had capacity to eclipse Arjuna. The Aryan hero. But the abominating Aryan intrigue and neutralized the challenge by asking Eklavya to contribute thumb of his right hand according to rule of morality if, a Nishdha boy becomes a better archer than the nigh born pupil. it goes against the rule of morality on track dispatch in the forest the dog was barking and his mouth was shut by the pointer shot by Eklavya . We can find immoderate adore to the Brahmins even if they do not deserve it. Out altitude towards Dronachanya was negative how shameless he was his comity. We feel proud of Eklavya in response to his merciless demand the behavior of Eklavya was every treatable may refuse to train him and demand his thumb. How Eklavya is expected to behave towards his Brahmin teacher .Eklavya lost his ability as an archer .Arjuna becomes thus great archer .here we find one generally feels jealous towards someone who is superior to us. Eklavya was made dupe to serve satisfied of the dominated caste placing. Non-Aryan Eklavya as a representative of the confront tribes. T.P. kailasam wants the readers to look at Gurudraona again how he presents and if he had solicit to train Eklavya than he would have trained him and taught him archery but he does not do so in this play T.P. kailasam an attitude towards guru drone was negative according to kailasam at the end becomes unorthodox but here one questioned is raised if Eklavya was a true archer and true ‘shisya’ he should not have apologize. According to kailasam Arjuna wants his fame but Eklavya even does not think of his captivating by helping others. He does not think like that. Here his dignity and huge are clown according to kailasam Eklavya has abide a lot because of caste system society Brahmins. He is a reference of Eklavya in Mahabharata after his sacrifice he eludes. He has not been given more importance he needs. So according to kailasam Eklavya is excellent to Arjun’s. He has proffered Eklavya to, Arjuna. Because after Dronacharya’s disapproval he struggled a lot and achieved the skill on his own. The title of the purpose highlights the purpose of Eklavyas’s life. In this command kailasam makes his own imagination. He naturally makes his Eklavya observe from a distance the skill in archery and then practice in his place with the image of his guru in his mind when Drone is miserable caught in a mental conflict on Arjun's seniors change Eklavya though, placed in between dual devotion towards his teacher on one side and, his fawns on the other realizes Drone’s awkward position and purposefully sacrifices his right thumb as Gurudrakshina. In handling theme of the purpose kailasam lays on emphasis on the power of abduction its capacity of deliberation and a single reason efforts on and a single reason efforts on the one hand and the purpose of doing a thing on the other. Among the three kinds of people whose purposes are different, Eklavya belongs to the third category whose “one aim is in his labor that others might earn the collection his pains without the least advantage to himself.  one has to question the probabiility of Eklavya’ s joining the kaurava in view of the fact that Eklavyas’s sacrifice  of his right thumb has already supply him almost unfit for archery .
       The purpose serves as a goes example in this regard, the playwright goes to the other extaine in between kailasam adopts the modern concept of commonwealth and socialism is trail in the ancient humane kingdom, which idea is like “the king is like a common man and the common man like a king and the hero of the play is portray as one who is espoused to truth, justice and service to humanity like Eklavya’’.     
       Here, we can take example of Karan also. Karan and Eklavya are similar character. We can find many similarities between both of them Karan had to suffer a lot in his life. Because kunti does not accept her child. She gets pregnant before her marriage. He was the child Karan was found by adhiratha, a charioteer of king Dhritrashtra of Hasthinapura. Adhiratha and his wife radha raised the boys as their own san of Radha.
       Here, kailasam tried to give justice to Eklavyas’s original myth. Thus, this is the plot. We can see how both characters are played their vital role. How, the play begins and it’s leads us to climax. We can also see how the Eklavya‘s character is portrayed means different perspective.              


  1. Hi Rasila, Once again I want to suggest that write in proper way and in points. It is good that U give example of Karna but it is 'Karna' not 'Karan'. and other thing is write only about plot not characters. and write in yr all assignments about introductory page, of uni. yr name, topic and year.
